1. First you must have an adsense account. Before signing up with adsense you must have a blog at blogger.com [blogspot]. If not you can check my second post. If you already have an adsense account you can proceed to step 2. If you don’t have an adsense account yet you can click this link to sign up.


Just fill up all needed information and submit. Make sure you read and understand the AdSense Program Policies.

2. Let’s say you already have a google account. If not you can click this link to sign up


Fill up all needed information and click the I accept create my account.
Log in to your google account at blogger.com.

3. After logging in click layout tab.

4. As you can see there are two add gadget. you can both click the add gadget.

Scroll down, click AdSense.
As a beginner no need to configure adsense its automatically blend with your template but if you like to configure you can do so. Click save.

Adsense will now appear on your lay out.
5. After this save your new layout. Click save after successfully saving click view blog.

6. Congratulations.


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