In these modern days, after desktop computers, notebooks or laptops are typically used by most people who are into businesses; whether it maybe entrepreneurs or corporate leaders; or simply those internet savvy individuals who are always on to go. You can see that notebooks are widely used in many places, from your homes to cafes, almost everywhere.

            Cleaning your notebooks is the very first step to keep your PC running and for additional lifespan. Even if you are just staying home or outdoors busy for any reasons, the need to clean your notebooks is a must to maintain its quality and durability. You may clean your notebooks as often as you want for maintenance and to keep it from risk factors arising from untidiness. Keep in mind that if you neglect to clean your notebooks, the possible cause may lead to further damage and overheating.

            Before cleaning your notebooks and even if you are not going to touch any of its electronic parts, all you have to do is to remove the battery before a notebook cleaning session. To safely clean your notebook you may remove the battery and unplug the power source.

Now, here are guidelines you must follow to complete your notebook’s cleaning process.
  • Outer part of your notebook
In cleaning the outer part of your notebook you need to moisten a cloth to wipe it and for special cases you can also put some rubbing alcohol to remove stains.
  • Your notebook’s keyboard and touchpad
          You may use a clean piece of white fabric to clean your notebook’s touchpad and keyboard. Remember that notebook keyboard is more sensitive compared to desktop keyboards and you must be careful when you are removing stains from by softly wiping the clean piece of white fabric over it. Another way to clean notebook keyboard it to flush it with compressed air after detaching it from your unit to throw out unwanted elements. You can also make use of your notebook’s instructional guidebook for ways in pulling out and removing your keyboard if it is possible.

          If something poured over your notebook keyboard or the entire notebook unit itself, just use a piece of clean white fabric to remove the stain, turn off your PC, and face the keyboard upside down to drain excess liquid out of the tray of your keyboard.
  • Notebook’s case opening should be cleaned
           You may use a heap of cotton or a clean rag to remove the stain or air-compression agent to ease out dust from your notebook’s case opening. By simply blowing away the compressed air from your PCs internal parts, it can be a good preventive measure for compressed air from being trapped inside. You must be careful not to damage the fan when you use an air-compression agent and you can also use the aid of a sharpen matchstick to prevent your notebook from further damages caused by over-blowing the compressed air.

            Your notebook will surely retain its quality and durability after you follow these simple instructions for cleaning it. 


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