Having a computer in your home will give you a great deal of excitement especially if you are one of those people who engage themselves in doing researches or computer works such as doing assignments, projects or simply surfing the web for fun.

     Computers are not built to be used by any people without experiencing troubles or errors, You may one day use your computer smoothly and then all of a sudden you are encountering computer problems which you never seen it before.

     One of the most common problems of Computer owners is their computer slowing down day by day.

Why do computers become too slow?

     The first thing that will come into your mind if you have a basic knowledge in computer is due to Virus infection Computer virus slows down your computer by grabbing the physical resources of your computer thereby depriving your computers legitimate programs to run in your computer. example of these physical resources are the RAM or Ramdom Access Memory, Hardisk space and CPU or processors.

How can virus attacks a computer?

     Virus attacks computers by way of downloading an infected file. If you download files from the internet without knowing that its infected with virus then you are in big trouble especially if your antivirus was not able to block or clean the downloaded file.

     Another way of virus infecting your computer is through the use of flash drives. Flash drives are so portable that you can use it to any computer in the neighborhood just plug it and play you can copy files into it and you may also copy files that are infected with viruses, If you are going to copy the contents of your flash disk to your computer then expect your computer runs like a giant turtle.

     Computer viruses are not just the only reason why your computer slows down there can be other factors that affects the performance of your computer.


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