Learn how to tell legitimate buying and selling on the Web

      With internet-based businesses becoming more and more popular in the Philippines, it is best that entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and their clients learn five simple tips to protect themselves from fraudulent transactions.

Here are some of them:

1. Never pay in advance

      The seller may give various reasons on why they need the money in advance, but you have to be firm with your policy of paying upon delivery of the product. Should they insist on their payment terms , walk away and look for a reasonable deal.

2. Look at warning signs during negotiation

      Negotiation is an integral part of dealing with buyers and sellers. If the other party agrees to one-sided agreements like 50-percent down payment prior to delivery and shipping and other terms that would be risky, it’s usually an indication that the scammer is interested in getting a smaller reward to escape the risk of detection.

3. If the price is too good to be true, it probably is

      The fairly common scam lures eager buyers who fall for below-market prices for goods sold. Buyers are then easily convinced to pay the amount in full via payment facilities like Smart Money and GCash only to find out that the sellers have disappeared with the cash deposit. In these situations, it pays to check the profile of the seller and if possible, retrieve feedback on past history.

4. Distance Matters

      Although it is actually possible to have a seller live miles away, it is often an excuse for the scammer to facilitate alternative means of payment like bank deposit and mobile payments , that do not make use of any tracking facility, much less receipts. As a rule, always buy items from someone within your immediate vicinity and make arrangements for cash-on-delivery payments. This applies to both buyers and sellers.

5. Some sleuthing pays off

      It is easy to assume a different identity online and all it takes is a little bit of Googling to find out more about the authenticity of the buyers identity. Buyers and sellers should be wary of notorious usernames, modus operandi and bogus identities mentioned in countless grievances aired by scam victims online. Likewise, if the information provided at the listing website is not consistent with the search results, alarm bells should sound.


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